The Basics

Examples of Simple Queries

Here are some examples of how to write some simple queries. Examples for more complex queries can be found lower in this page.

Fields You Can Search On

You can specify any of these fields like field:value in the search box, to search on them. You can also abbreviate the field name, as long as your abbreviation matches only one field name. So, for example, searching on stat:VERIFIED will find all bugs in the VERIFIED status. Some fields have multiple names, and you can use any of those names to search for them.

For custom fields, they can be used and abbreviated based on the part of their name after the cf_ if you'd like, in addition to their standard name starting with cf_. So for example, cf_issue can be referred to as issue, also. However, if this causes a conflict between the standard Bugzilla field names and the custom field names, the standard field names always take precedence.

Field Field Name(s) For Search
%Complete percentage_complete
Alias alias
Assignee assigned_toassigneeowner
Assignee Real Name assigned_to_realname
Attachment data attachmentdataattachdata
Attachment description attachmentdescattachmentattachdesc
Attachment mime type attachmentmimetypeattachmimetype
BANK cf_bank_name
BC_CONTACT_NO cf_bc_contact_no
Blocks blocked
BRANCH_CODE cf_branch_code
BRANCH_NAME cf_branch_name
Bug ID bug_id
CC cc
Changed delta_ts
Classification classification
Comment descriptionlongdesccomment
Commenter commenter
Component component
Content content
Creation date creation_ts
Days since bug changed days_elapsed
Deadline deadline
Depends on dependson
DISTRICT cf_district
Ever confirmed everconfirmed
FBC_NAME cf_fbc_name
FI, EBT, FI/EBT cf_loc_type
Flag Requestee requestee
Flag Setter setter
Flags flag
Group group
Hardware platform
Hours Left remaining_time
Hours Worked work_time
Keywords keywordskw
MID/KOID cf_mid
Orig. Est. estimated_time
OS op_sysos
Priority priority
Product product
QA Contact qa_contact
QA Contact Real Name qa_contact_realname
Reporter reporter
Reporter Real Name reporter_realname
RequestSource cf_requestsource
Resolution resolution
See Also see_also
Severity severity
STATE cf_state
Status status
Summary short_descsummary
Tags tag
Target Milestone target_milestonemilestone
Terminal Issues in Field cf_issue
TERMINAL_NUMBER cf_ter_number
TERMINAL_TYPE cf_ter_type
TID_NO/KOID cf_tid
Time Since Assignee Touched owner_idle_time
URL url
Version version
VILLAGE cf_village
Whiteboard whiteboardsw
Write the error cf_actual_error

Advanced Features

Advanced Shortcuts

In addition to using field names to search specific fields, there are certain characters or words that you can use as a "shortcut" for searching certain fields:

Field Shortcut(s)
Status Make the first word of your search the name of any status, or even an abbreviation of any status, and bugs in that status will be searched. ALL is a special shortcut that means "all statuses". OPEN is a special shortcut that means "all open statuses".
Resolution Make the first word of your search the name of any resolution, or even an abbreviation of any resolution, and bugs with that resolution will be searched. For example, making FIX the first word of your search will find all bugs with a resolution of FIXED .
Priority "P1" (as a word anywhere in the search) means "find bugs with the highest priority. "P2" means the second-highest priority, and so on.

Searching for "P1-3" will find bugs in any of the three highest priorities, and so on.

Assignee @value
Product or Component :value
Flags flag?requestee
Comment or Summary #value

Examples of Complex Queries

It is pretty easy to write rather complex queries without too much effort. For very complex queries, you have to use the Advanced Search form.